Is Wearing a Champagne Color Dress to Prom Weird

Top 10 Weirdest Prom Dresses Ever

Prom dresses are often a very big deal, and it's quite easy to see why: there's the glitz and glamor, the excitement and anticipation, and, of course, the whole fashion-trend factor.

These days, these dresses have gained some significance and popularity due to the variety of designs available. The time when girls used to choose a dress that was matte, satin, silk, simple and elegant has gone. Girls have currently changed their choice of dresses for proms. They like to make a fashion statement with their extravagant styles and patterns on their dresses. Whether a girl gets ready for her prom in a traditional dress or in a weird style, remember that she just wants to look beautiful and, at the same time, different from the rest.

Prom dresses are the most significant thing that every teenager wants to have and prepare for her prom night, may it be a short or long prom dress. But in modern times, the fashion industry has changed a lot. Unique and wonderful dresses were replaced by weird ones. We can call this the fashion revolution. Today we are going to present you with some of the most unforgettable and weirdest prom dresses ever.

1. Doritos Prom Dress

  • It's prom season, and that means that high schoolers across the country are frantically trying to figure out what they're going to wear once they find a date. Some are elegant, others are just depressing. The Doritos Prom Dress won a contest in 2010 by Frito Lay, so it technically qualifies as a prom dress. The dress was made entirely out of Doritos bags and, of course, smelled like them too. Designer Diana Eng said that she thought of the idea after seeing a dress made out of candy wrappers on Project Runway. I wonder how many people asked if they could eat her dress.

2. Bubble Wrap Prom Dress

  • A girl named Sarah Ingle apparently took this idea from an episode of Tim Gunn's Guide to Style, where one of the contestants created a bubble wrap outfit (but not for prom). She hated the design, but she loved the idea, so she made one for her prom. The dress itself wasn't so bad, but it did have a bit of a poofy look to it. Perhaps because it had been inflated before being worn?

3. Bacon Prom Dress

  • In 2010, high school senior Laura Kline made herself a bacon prom dress. It took her three days to complete the project, and she won $500 for making the best prom outfit (although she said she'd rather have gone with cash than another trip to McDonald's). Said Kline about what inspired her, I wanted to be different and I wanted to be noticed. I was like, Why not bacon? Bacon is everything. If you love bacon, then this is the prom dress for you! It's made entirely out of bacon strips and will definitely make you the center of attention at your prom. Just beware that you may attract some hungry wolves...

4. Condom Prom Dress

  • In 2014, Rachel Berkey wore a dress made entirely of condoms to her senior prom. The 18-year-old from North Carolina said she was inspired to create the unconventional gown because she wanted to send a message about safe sex. Her project won first place in the prom dress category at a local science fair.

5. Duck Tape Prom Dress

  • This prom dress is made entirely from duck tape and was the winning entry in a contest sponsored by an organization called Stuck at Prom, which is devoted to duck tape fashions. The winning entry in the contest's first year was a little more formal; this version is a little more fun.

6. Gum Wrapper Prom Dress

  • In 2010, a high school student in Iowa named Elizabeth Rasmuson made a prom dress out of Five brand chewing gum wrappers. She collected the wrappers over the course of several months and then used iron-on interfacing and quilting to finish off the dress. When asked about the project, Rasmuson noted that she had heard of other people making dresses out of duct tape or something similar, so it was something different that she wanted to try. The end result was a unique prom look made entirely out of gum wrappers. Instead of simply taking pictures in their new outfits, Rasmuson and her boyfriend also posed for photos in front of a variety of backdrops as a way to remember the special day.

7. Balloon Prom Dress

  • Although Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz may have won over the hearts of the good people of Kansas, Molly Marshall will be winning their votes for prom queen thanks to her amazing wardrobe that is entirely made from balloons. This talented Kansas resident has been a professional balloon artist since her teenage years and even held a fashion show in March featuring her fantastical designs. Her latest masterpiece is a series of outfits that mirror her favorite baseball teams.

8. Cardboard Prom Dress

  • Seventeen-year-old Maura Pozek, a high school senior from Reeds Spring, constructed the dress, and it took a lot of hot glue and some last-minute alterations. Her original idea to construct it with all corrugated cardboard did not go well; her first attempts at the skirt were made with paper bags. The top half remained cardboard and was painted in bright reds, blues, and yellows. If things had not gone well on prom night, she had planned to use duct tape to put the dress together. Likewise, her date wore a traditional tuxedo, with the exception of his boutonniere, which was made from corrugated cardboard and painted in bright reds, blues, and yellows.

9. Skittles Prom Dress

  • Proms are the best time for teenagers to flaunt their wildest fashion outfits. Whether it's a shirt with an arrow pointing to their date or a dress made of Skittles wrappers, these teens never fail to make a statement on prom night. Craftster user The perilous popsicle spent 15 hours creating her prom dress entirely out of Skittle wrappers. She used more than 100 wrappers for the project and even dyed her hair red for her big night. The best part? This girl got to eat all the Skittles she wanted while making this dress!

10. Starburst Prom Dress

  • One student from Michigan wore a prom dress made entirely of used Starburst wrappers. Due to the time it took to collect the wrappers and put them together, it took the young woman five months to complete her dress.

All in all, we can say for sure that today's modern fashion industry has brought about a lot of changes, and that is a good thing. However, we have to admit that prom dresses have changed a lot as well. Up until now, there have been weird ones, but talented designers are working very hard in order to make new and trendy designs.

Likewise, what we're saying is that weird dresses for prom are sometimes more interesting than beautiful ones. It's a matter of taste. But now it's time to open your eyes and notice how crazy the fashion world really gets.

People want something eccentric and special with their dress. They want to walk down the red carpet with their elegant look. They want to stand out. Hence, the idea of designing such a dress came into play. But they, unfortunately, took it way too far. It's important to let people be individuals. Some may have weird tastes, but let them have them. The idea of this article is to raise awareness of these people and their dress styles, not to attack them. Who knows, maybe we'll be wearing those dresses one day!


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